Spiritual Concierge, Certified Energy Practitioner, Spiritual Teacher/Guide, offering Guided Meditation, Sound Bath, Tuning Forks, Past Life Regression Therapy, Smudging/Cleansing/Blessing of Home or Office, Akashic Records, Licensed Massage Therapist
In an effort to maintain a healthy environment, we ask that if you are sick (which includes a cold, a fever, the flu, poison ivy, etc.) or have the onset of symptoms of an illness that you reschedule your appointment. This is for your well being as well as the health of our therapists and clients.
Please wait until you have been well for at least a week before getting your massage. If you do need to cancel your appointment, please call us as soon as possible and we will be happy to reschedule your appointment for a time when you are feeling better.
Age Requirement
We accept appointments for children under the age of 18 if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian during the service and have a parent or guardian signed waiver.
Your First Visit/Arrival
Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your first scheduled appointment. This allows you time to fill out our intake form and have a brief consultation.
All gratuities are at the client's discretion. They are always greatly appreciated!